[NeedAdvice] I lose hope so quickly.

Your diet doesn't make any sense. It should be high fat, sufficient protein, low carb. As soon as you burn all the glycogen in your liver, your body releases glucagon and starts releasing energy from fat cells. Most of the fat contents are triglycerides which are broken down for fuel.

Might as well go strictly ketogenic. Extra protein doesn't do anything, even for bodybuilders, it just gets converted into extra weight. Plus you are a woman, so protein and muscles arent such a big deal.

As for what people think of you, go to an obscure city in the Philippines, like the Visayas region, and just walk around. You will be the only white person there. Go to the different malls every day, just watch how tons of people look at you.

After a while you stop caring because people are just always looking at you. You just run out of energy to maintain appearances and they just see you as you are.

I feel really sorry for people who didn't have that sort of experience and go around being afraid of what other people think all the time. Life is cheap in those third world countries, people work for peanuts.

Then you come back to North America and everyone thinks they are special. But in reality its the same thing, no one cares about them and no one cares about you.

People spend their whole lives thinking about themselves.

If you are lucky you will figure out how to love one person and have one person love you.

Be that fat person on the treadmill. That person who is thinking the comment about you is literally nothing, just a hateful ghost, a flicker in the night.

Learning how to do that and not care is the beginning of a successful happy life, because happiness is simply not going to be possible when you are assigning importance to the negative opinions of people who are literally worth nothing. I mean literally, they are worthless. There are hundreds of people who work harder than them and are better than them that are treated like slaves.

/r/getdisciplined Thread