New Mirror's Edge Catalyst Trailer

I just want people to judge the game for its self when it comes out.

That's fine. And I'm sure plenty of people will. And some people might not. There's no way of knowing, it's beyond anyone's control other than the people themselves, and I'm not sure there's any way to objectively measure whether or not someone else is judging a game for the "right" reasons.

I have seen people question if the game would be good just because people say Anita was involve and saying it will be bad because of feminists.

Anita's involvement consisted of...what, exactly? At most, I'm only aware that EA brought her in to give a general talk about tropes being used in a harmful manner. If people think it will be bad because she maybe potentially possibly was heard by someone who worked on the game, that's their problem.

I feel like people are just going to look at this game and use it as way to push there agenda and not the game itself. If its bad than alot of gg will use it against involving any sort of Feminist input saying she negatively affected it. Same thing if its good, but people anti gg will use.

That's going to happen no matter what. Warning me to not call the game good before it's come out, when I didn't, isn't effectively battling that. And I don't think you can battle that. Because everyone, whether part of GG or a feminist or whatever, will have their own reasons for thinking the game is good or bad.

And, again; parts of GG will claim it's bad no matter what. And will try to use it as a weapon. That's the same thing that happened with Undertale, where parts of GG threw a massive fit about it while other parts of GG had absolutely no problem with the game.

I'm sure some feminists will use the game as a weapon as well. Does it matter, though? When has either group using a game as a weapon been effective? GG tried to use DOAX3 as a weapon of proving SJWs were keeping games from coming to the west, but nobody believed them or cared. GG tried to bait people into outrage with their BlockLivesMatter thing, but nobody gave two shits other than pointing out that, yeah, of course GG would think that's le funny joak.

Meanwhile, SJWs have used...maybe huniepop? Said that huniepop was evidence that sometimes GG has shit taste? And I guess Hatred? Those are the only two games I can think of where SJWs really talked about them for more than a few days, and the games still got released and, at least with Hatred (I don't know of any reviews of the other) that game was critically panned solely due to poor design, not because of any outrage.

I mean, trust me, I know the message you're wanting to get out there, and I understand it: Hype can lie. The hype for MGS V was incredible and had me so excited while the execution moved the game out of my Play Now list and into the Play Sometime In The Future list, and I say that with a Metal Gear Solid tattoo I've had for years. The hype for Fallout 4 seems to be the same, with at least a sizable portion of people feeling incredibly let down by the game. I'm personally somewhat cautious about hyping Persona 5 because, based on recent decisions Atlus has made in some of their other games, there's a possibility the game could be absolutely terrible to any female characters it contains.

But I think a lot of this worry is unnecessary because so much is out of one's control. And it sucks to be happy about a trailer looking cool and having someone tell you for the hundredth time that trailers can lie.

I'm sorry to have been snappy at you. It's just frustrating how often things get repeated around here as though nobody else has already considered them. Every thread about Anita has a dozen comments that want to make sure they tell everyone they don't always agree with Anita. Why even make that comment? And why make it in every thread? Any threads here about media influencing people has a dozen comments that want to make sure they tell everyone they don't think video games cause people to be mass murderers. Why even make that comment? I can count on no hand how many people I know who actually, legitimately believe playing GTA will make someone shoot up a school. Talking about the influence media has is far more nuanced than "GTA makes school killers".

It honestly feels like people have become so cautious of being mistaken to be what GG thinks SJWs are that we'll go out of our way to tell everyone we're super totally not what GG thinks SJWs are. And, in the process, we end up accusing each other of being too SJW, too scared that someone somewhere might screenshot something out of context and try to guilt us by association.

I hoped as ghazi moved further away from focusing on whatever KiA and GG had to say for the day, we'd also move away from giving two shits what they think. I still have that hope, and I still want that to happen. Any opinion GG has on this game is irrelevant to me. I'm already going to judge the game on my own terms. Right now, I think the game looks pretty cool just based on the character interactions alone. I could play it and find out it's completely shit. That's always a possibility. But it'll be an experience I'll have no matter what, whether good or bad.

Again, I'm sorry for taking this all out on you. It's been building for awhile and you didn't deserve to get this giant wall of text.

As an apology, have a picture of a wolf corgi.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread Parent