In the next 50 years, what invention(s) will revolutionize society? Like Radio, Cars, Television, and the Internet for example.

This is John Thomas, and I am role-playing a time traveler from the year 2063. I love these comments because it gives me hope that there is a hope for a bright tomorrow. Self-Driving Cars are illegal as are drones because of terrorism. Flights are Earth Federation Military only and the only reason you will fly is so that you can go into space briefly. Most of us take a train everywhere. There will be a magnetic train built by Earth Fed(Europe, Russia, Canada) and what was the U.S. Speeds reach 500KMPH. The Strait-Line is the longest underwater bridge in the world spanning Siberia and Alaska. Computers consist of cpu watches with 4 camera projectors of true holographic displays, eye contact monitors, and gesture/voice input. It is called Aether. What you call the Internet has been renamed the Archives. It is a world network of redundant data delivered by means of balloons in stationary orbit that connect even the remotest locations on earth. Our virtual reality is very much like Existenz. A new technology called LUCID will be discovered shortly. Construction of dwellings is more portable. We have no cities like you see today. Just 1 story living areas with really tough fabric with energy collectors called Wind, Water, (Light)Wave TENG. 6V-TENG. This fabric also serves as a flexi-monitor. You can change the wallpaper with an app. Water is purified with a steam-engine system built by Dean Kamen. Education is KHAN ACADEMY style. You learn at your own pace. You interact with others for a deeper understanding of your studies. People of my time know a little bit about everything. Medicine, engineering, agriculture, everything. Robotics is much like as in i-Robot with Will Smith, but they are very thin bipedal sticks, much like the Sawyer robot. They are modular so you can upgrade them. 3D printers print any material you can think of. The greatest thing of value in our economy is land. People work actually harder in an age without traditional jobs. Growing food, making tools, repairing robots and printers, cleaning, imagining, gaining more education. There is no money. It is similar to a debit card system and a military socialist system where everyone is expected to work all the time and will always get an income. NASA did indeed discover a warp drive. This drive also happens to be a time machine. But articles about this drive are wrong. Warp is very simple. It follows the same physics as the motion of water. Teleportation also exists. You just fold time and space and you can sling yourself a great distance. It is much like surfing. It is very dangerous in 2063, but becoming safer. Marijuana is legal everywhere and people drink alcohol less because of it. The Gattica issue is a hot debate where I come from. We will discover that it is best to just let nature keep dealing random traits than to try to control it. Plastic surgery is also discouraged for this reason. Of course the universe and even our solar system is teaming with life. We will be using this warp drive to travel to a few moons. 2036 approaches as does a very large rock. So we need to get serious, keep the peace, and work toward escaping. Mars has water and would be a good goal for us to reach and wait out the terrible days ahead.

/r/Futurology Thread