NHS hospital staff working on Christmas Day receive out of date mince pies from bosses instead of Turkey dinners

I disagree that it will necessarily cause a shortage. Even if it did add to the doctor shortage, I simply do not believe that problem is worse than the profiteering that is cattle herding patients as is practiced currently.

A properly run system would have meetings about efficiency of patient loading and resource management. I’ve worked in medicine for years and most meetings revolve around optimizing practice habits to maximize reimbursements for payor sources.

For profit is more for profit than it is medicine. Get rid of that central problem and that will go a long way to fixing doctor shortages. The right people will start coming back into medicine if we get the profiteers out of it, or at the very least a level playing field will take enough power from the bean counters to make medicine bearable.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - gazette-news.co.uk