CMV: Toxic Masculinity exists just as tangibly as Toxic Femininity, and it's unreasonable to focus on one over the other.

I commend you, OP, for attempting positive dialogue, but basically all I'm seeing is "girls and spice are everything nice, boys are complete garbage and there's nothing good about them". "Toxic femininity? Why, whatever do you mean?? I want examples, give me examples, cUz THeRe aRen'T anY"

Stop putting a gender to toxic behavior. JUST STOP. JUST STOP. JUST STOP. If somebody's being toxic, they are a toxic person, it's not because of their sex, it's because they're A TOXIC PERSON, NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE MASCULINE. Is it still toxic masculinity when a female exhibits physical aggression? Or when a man is kind and considerate do you say he's being feminine? I sure hope not, because masculine energy can be loving, protecting and self sacrificing, feminine energy doesn't get to have a monopoly on everything good in the world, you know. I have no idea what feminists are even talking about, it's like every concept that comes out of their mouth is something denigrating men: 'patriarchy', 'toxic masculinity', etc.

I hate this cancerous/divisive/sexist garbage that's always being pushed. We get it, men are irredeemable sacks of trash and women are completely innocent of any wrong doing ever in the history of the world. Even when a female acts in a disgusting way, somehow it's still 'the patriarchy's fault?

I don't want to indulge this sexist garbage, but if I must, what it boils down to is "Toxic masculinity"=physical damage, "Toxic femininity"=psychological damage. But that's the thing though, I don't label a woman being manipulative, cruel, with a harsh judgemental attitude as having "toxic femininity" and blaming the entire gender. I say that individual woman is being toxic, not the gender. GOD

By not accepting that there is just as much toxic behavior from women as men, you are skirting any responsibility from poor behavior or act as if you're not in any way complicit to it. A quote I love and is forever applicable, is from the Alexander Solzhenitsyn: “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either (I'm adding this part: nor gender)-- but right through every human heart."

As if just being a man in and of itself is toxic. Men have feelings too, and we hear loud and clear your impressions of us. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" and "The future is feminine" aren't exactly endearing and inclusive mottos to live by. We NEED each other; from those mottos I gather it'll hurt feminists pride to admit you need us, but it doesn't hurt my pride as a man to say we need you too!

/r/changemyview Thread