"Nice Girl" on my Facebook posted this gem.

....Not taking sides here (As in "Pro-fph/Radically against them") but if by "they compare themselves positively to neo-nazis" you mean the flairs that their mods have with "Hitler" in it, I think that's a play off of the old "You have a differing opinion than mine, you're literally Hitler" overreaction/joke that some people say and, from what I can see from the mods post history and the sub rules they are very much against racism,sexism, and anti-semitism/religion based hate and appear to ban it on sight.

Thankfully there were quite a few people in that thread,y'know, actually saying this person should get help and just because he hasn't molested children yet that doesn't mean he's not sick mentally and shouldn't get help but it was disturbing how many people thought it was fine that he was refusing treatment and engaging in his urges (I believe multiple times he said he just went on Youtube for it ?) , because apparently sexualizing children and not seeing a shrink or a doctor is totally a-okay as long as you hate fatties...

(Although to be fair,people can not help what or who they're attracted to or how they're born, same thing with lgbt people, but the difference being children can not consent and if pedophiles act on their urges it could and likely will scar that child for life...)

On the brigading, (again this is just from what I've seen from a brief visit to the rules page,some linked threads, and the mods profiles) , Fph has a "No linking to other parts of Reddit" rule, and it seems the mods do remove comments and content that does break the rules so...it seems they are at least trying their best to stop the brigading, at least more so than Srs or Srd does...

If that's not what you meant (for the "neo-nazi" comment) my apologies, just wanted to try to clear things up,even if I don't personally agree with some of their ideals, and if it wouldn't be too much trouble for you I would be interested in an explanation and/or links to what you mean,please ?

(Just in case of a "you sound like you're from fph" I do think people should take better care of their body if they can and I do agree the opinion that a lot of them hold which is taking care of your body and by extension not being obese if you can help it ,especially if they have children or people that depend on them, because obesity does put you at a higher rate for multiple diseases and the damage it can do to your body can stay there for life and all , but downright hate like they spout (usually)(,and using it gingerly here) isn't helping anybody get healthier and does more harm than good the vast,vast majority of the time..)

Sorry for the wall of text! I just kind of wanted to prevent the whole "You're obviously from fatpeoplehate because you're slightly defending them!" business. (Not that I assume you in particular would say it but, y'know, general precautions..)

As well as it seemed kind of awkward to not comment on the pedophile part of the comment, just didn't want to seem like I was avoiding it for any reason, I don't want to create conflict and I'm trying to cover bases...

I'm really not taking sides or anything here or trying to cause a conflict if this seems confrontational or anything, it's just I think people shouldn't be misinformed and all and uninformed hate doesn't help anybody...

Anyway my apologies about the gargantuan wall of text, and any spelling or grammar errors or poorly formed sentences, writing is not my strong suit in the slightest, ...again please please don't take this as a personal attack I just wanted to get some information (I searched their sub and I couldn't find anything encouraging a "brigade this thread!" or anything saying they were comparing themselves positively to neo-nazis, if you have links I'd appreciate it!) and clear stuff up, sorry if I caused any bother or anything, really am!

Please have yourself a nice day , sorry if you reply and I take a bit to get to it, I'll try my best to get back if I can, Monday is a hectic day for me...

(Also no pressure to reply! I really only wrote this because I wanted to clear some things up if I could...) (Sorry about the throw-away, I plan on getting flak for this...)

/r/niceguys Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com