Nintendo terminates fire emblem fates spokesperson- Alison Rapp was recently at the center of a localization controversy.

She worked at Nintendo in the marketing department for the Japanese section of games. Gamer's noticed a marked difference in the way women had been made to look, compared to their Japanese counterparts. So, as the gaming community does when they see something they don't like, they went online, found all Rapp's information, and saw she's for all sorts of feminist ideals, and blamed her. Neo Nazis plastered her info on their site, and urged people to call and ure she be fired. She was.

People are up in arms that women in the Western version of games, weren't as sexualized as those sold in Japan. Women were more covered up and made to be stronger female characters, or sections of games or features in games that were anywhere from flirtatious to straight up sexual had been removed or toned way down. The culture in Japan in terms of women, and much to an extent, young girls, are very sexualized due to them being geared towards male players, and it being a cultural thing in Japan aside from games. She wrote an essay defending the sexualization of young women in Japan, and the same crowd that WANTS them to be in the US versions, claimed she was defending pedophilia. Nintendo is silencing and censoring it's workers and not allowing them to talk about it unless they read directly, as written, from an internal document absolving them of liability.

It's alot of the same thing Gamer Gate was. Male gamers not liking that women hold high positions in the industry, working to tear them down if they don't fall in line with what the male gamers want. They got that poor woman (Name escapes me) fired over saying she was sleeping with developers to review their games, and in return she's give shit games better reviews than they were (Of course, it was never true). Now this poor girl fired for doing NOTHING. It's the localization teams that mod the games for each country it's sold in.

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