It's No Longer About Southern Heritage. In Fact, It Never Was.

Before this people did legitimately fly the Confederate flag as a symbol of pride in the South. The General Lee in Dukes of Hazzard had a Confederate flag on it as a symbol of pride in the south. It had nothing to do with hating the north or glorifying the Civil War or being pro-slavery or racist or anything else, at least not to most people. It got associated with that because of its history and the amount of crossover there was with racism, but not everyone who displayed it believed that sort of thing.

I do think, though, that in 2017 it pretty much symbolizes hatred now. This may sadden people who didn't believe it did, and they may still try to display it... but it's just too far gone now. The movements last year to ban it were kind of silly in my opinion and are part of the reasons it now means exactly what they claimed it meant then. The racists and bigots who didn't give one damn about that flag are now carrying it as a symbol. The same way these statues that I guarantee nobody gave a second glance as they walked by last year are suddenly symbols of their movement of hatred.

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