[No Spoilers] Bad news from TSDF.

This sub-reddit is so far the only place I've seen where people are ready to drink that damn bleach for the fact they didn't show who was killed yet.

Sadly people seem to misunderstand me lmao (not speaking specifically to you) but it is my opinion and mostly experience that a lot of people have just healthy conversations over who dies. I've seen so many fan theories on how they're convinced it's .... who dies and while some are a far stretch, generally everyone is having a great time - well, I guess except here.

But whether they would've ended showing who died or ended with this cliffhanger, some people here seem to feel entitled to spoil everyone without warning even though I feel that should be a choice. Whether I'm on one of the TWD forums or here, I expect spoilers to be formatted in case me or anyone else wasn't planning on spoiling themselves.

That is really my problem. People go around throwing spoilers, kind of deciding for others if they're going to be spoiled early or not. I don't have a problem with spoilers. I just wish people would respect others' wishes. I used to be the only one with another guy out of my friends who'd regularly check TSDF and yet we always made sure if we were talking spoilers, they either weren't around or they didn't have to hear.

While I prefer it this way though, I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to the show. I wouldn't have a lot to talk about when I'd know who dies (which I do now, thanks to people not formatting) because it's in most cases really obvious what the impact would be. If others think that it leaves enough for discussion, that's fine. But can we just all agree here that this should be a place even people who prefer not to be spoiled can safely browse? The title of this thread even says [No Spoilers] and still some people feel entitled to do just that.

I hope I don't sound rude, because that's not my intention at all. I'm just a little frustrated that people don't understand my point. Perhaps I'm bad at wording it, I'm not a native English speaker. Excuse me.

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