No, I will not expose your child to unnecessary radiation. Leave them at home.

I hear you!

I lived in a city where the rivers had run off from three different nuclear power plants. The EPA said that it was VERY important no one swim in the water, eat the fish from the water or touch the silt from the water that would wash up into certain low level riverfront parking garages. They actually sent hazmat suited teams to clean it every time the river levels would rise and flood those parking lots and leave sediment from the rivers behind, that's how irradiated the water was.

You were pretty much guaranteed cancer if you messed with the river water.

Despite this, I would see people letting their kids Swim In The Rivers! I would tell them NO! I would tell them about the cancer, in case they were from out of town. I would explain everything I have explained here, and encourage them to look it up.

Every single time they would laugh in my face and tell their kids to swim more, to spite me I guess?

I never got it. How is your kid, whom I will never see again by the way, developing cancer, probably years from now, going to teach me, the rando who just tried to Warn You, a lesson?

Even if it did, how would I even know? You don't have my contact info!

Are they just standing overing their cancerous children's bed, my face in their brains, thinking "Serves you right you son of a bitch!"?

Mombies are crazy.

/r/childfree Thread