Noah get the gay boat

This dumb bitch equates a prediction based on norms with making a statement of fact.

"He's going to be a heartbreaker," first of all doesn't say whose hearts he's going to break. But it's a guess of what might happen. Nor does, "Oh you better lock her up when she turns 16" make a definitive statement that the girl in question is straight. They're just comments as to what people think will probably happen in the future. . .and with good reason, seeing how 96% of the population is heterosexual.

Those are different than, "This baby is sexually attracted to men." I've never heard someone say, "This baby is straight" or "This baby is a heterosexual."

"Clearly people want their children to be straight." Yes, they may want that, but they don't definitively declare their baby is straight. She, on the other hand, not only wants her baby to be gay, she's making a statement of fact that he is. Too bad someone this stupid is actually reproducing. I feel sorry for her husband (assuming she didn't use a turkey baster).

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