It's not a competition...

My coworker got pregnant about 2.5 months after me but she constantly compared our pregnancies like we were due the same day. She also compared baby info ( ultrasound sizing etc). I am a private person so I only ever gave vague info and never said anything about how I felt unless asked. ( I didn't want to be THAT pregnant woman). But I had heartburn very bad.. guess what ? HERS WAS WORSE. My back started hurting towards the end. Her pain was worse than mine at 5 months. Then she swore her baby was gonna be waaaay bigger. She swore her baby was gonna have soooo much hair. Much more than mine. The list goes on and on. Just ridiculous shit. I started just making up things to hear her make an ass out of herself. I actually like her and the constant comparison is annoying at times. But mostly is amusing. My daughter is a little over 6 months now. She still feels the need to compare. Clearly it's something she needs and it isn't hurting me. As long as she doesn't take it to a ridiculous level like criticizing my child it's all good.

/r/beyondthebump Thread