It's not even that I'm an "old" virgin that's frustrating. It's that modern communication with people is.

I don't prefer digital media, but it seems like the only way that people my age in the area I live can send a beacon to one another to find each other. I live in a pretty basic suburbia where a majority of the people my age are all married with children, and that's their simple life. They aren't even my closest friends either. They're just people I happen to still know from high school or before that. I'm more culturally aware and artsy, used to live in a bigger city, don't plan on living here forever, or getting married until I'm 40 the earliest at this point if I do meet someone (I'm in my 30s already.) There isn't a meetup scene where I live unless you want to go on nature hikes an hour away or sit around with legit video game nerds. There's no group activities to join aside from overpriced crossfit gyms (I go to different gyms regularly and get a much better workout, but it's also a sausage fest.) Volunteer? Sign yourself up if you want to hang around retired senior citizens or high schoolers who need credit and don't want to be there. I don't drink, so you won't find me at a bar.

Online dating has always been my last resort way to meet new people, and it's unfortunate that right now give my circumstance of where I live, it's the only way, and from what I read around here, a lot of people are stuck in the same shoes.

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