Not a JNMIL story, but I thought you'd find this interesting

Okay, but...this is so CIFC.

  1. She straight up said (two posts ago, about her cheapening what I do) that I'm "building alliances" by giving people handmade baby quilts when they have kids.

  2. She refuses to see that the letter she sent to Niece was hurtful even though she said "I hope that you don't punish your parents the way your parents are punishing me" in a letter to a 2 year old. "It wasn't hurtful, it was the truth!" See CIFC's First 12 hours of visiting for more about that.

  3. I literally just posted about how I hate CIFC's "I was just trying to lighten the mood" crap in CIFC and wetting the bed.

  4. All the time. Like in every post I make about her.

  5. She tries to get us to be intermediaries. She'll push for info about BIL1/SIL1 and their family, despite them not being in contact except to send her presents at her birthday/mother's day/etc. She'll try to get us to pass info along to them, or ask them questions for us. I do let DH use me as an excuse sometimes when neither of us wants her to do when she tried to come visit less than a month after her last visit. He said he had to talk to me and check the schedule and she hasn't brought it up again.

So yeah. Just wow.