[NSFW] Google now aggregates your entire search history (including incognito) into a dating profile, what kind of people do you attract?

I expect this will be buried but anyway

The only way to get "higher" on porn is to find weirder and weirder shit. The longer I spend looking at porn the more this becomes true. This is the explanation behind 90% of the porn I click on. The only way to get anything new in porn is to continue to seek out weirder and weirder shit. It's roughly equivalent to increasing a dose of medication over time. It's more of a cerebral thing then a natural desire. This is the main reason I would never want to be judged by that shit… there is a massive separation in identity between myself and bullshit I click on that isn't immediately obvious to a casual observer. Hence why I never discuss porn other than what I would stand by as what I consider healthy sex. There is very little of that online. It's actually a bit of a fetish of mine, I see two people deeply connected and enjoying each other is the only acceptable form of sex, the rest is just a perverse sort of masturbation. That higher minded mentality does not come through in my search history lol… at all. Mostly because it's really unlikely to be filmed. And also for the reason previously posted. I would find anyone based on my search history and even some of the things I used to talk about to be repulsive. Not in an opposites attract kind of way, but in a "you are not a human being" kind of way. The thought that someone actually takes some of the horrible shit I watch in porn seriously or acts on it makes me physically ill to even consider.

Just a short list of why only morons would ever take 99.9999% of porn seriously: Often I will watch a video and do nothing more than carefully watch the woman's face. Far more often than not it will be obvious to even the most anti-social person I have ever met that she is not into what she is doing… I don't really look at male faces but I would guess the same is often true. When there is no connection between two people, there just is no hiding it. And thats why most of the standard shit is awful. It doesn't even begin to touch on the ones that are based on some weird fetish, the most common being that sex is meant to be somehow painful. And both of these problems exist in"amateur" just as much as in regular "glam" porn. Then there are the even weirder fetishes that go more towards the "just make it harder core somehow than the last thing."

All that said, so long as people who watch or judge others based on what they watch realize that it isn't to be taken seriously or acted out then its cool… the problem comes in when people don't know enough to make a separation between what they actually do in real life and what they view FOR ENTERTAINMENT. Holy fuck. Can you imagine how fucked up life would be if people took ENTERTAINMENT seriously? If people actually thought the ENTERTAINMENT people view privately is a reflection of their real desires? Sometimes it may be, but to spy on someone and have nothing but the search history to go on and to ASSUME that the person viewing that shit is completely wrapped up in it and actually has no INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS CONTRARY TO WHAT IS BEING VIEWED WHILE VIEWING IT is to (in a haughtiness that can only be described as monumental) presume that only those who are spying on the person have any sort of intelligence and that the one being watched has developed no intelligence, that the person being watched has no capacity to maintain an internal dialogue or the ability to critically view what is being watched. And while doing that may be fun for the ego of the watchers it is a horrible offense to the humanity of those whose browser history is viewed. To those people who would make such judgements: GROW THE FUCK UP.

/r/AskReddit Thread