NYPD freaks out on Uber driver

I was wondering why your post reeked of police apologia then I looked at your post history and it explained it all. It's like you don't even bother hiding your bias, lol. Just a suggestion, you should save your copy/pasta and spam a more appropriate story/video next time. :)

Don't argue with the police - You're not going to argue your way out of a ticket. Ever. You're just going to make it worse.

The video cut off the very beginning of the incident but based on what the cop is saying, there was no argument. According to the cop, he was bothered by the driver saying, "For what sir? For what sir?" That's not an argument to get out of a ticket. It seems like the driver was genuinely confused as to why he was stopped.

If you go to 1:54 the cop completely flips out after the driver says "Okay" while he's being lectured. To me, the driver did absolutely nothing wrong there. Seconds before he said that the passengers told the driver to only reply with "Yes, sir" and "I'm sorry, sir". It's obvious to me that the driver wasn't even trying to escalate the situation. And from dealing with immigrant taxi/Uber drivers before, I can tell you that saying "Okay" or "Yes" mid-sentence is rarely meant to be flippant. Immigrant speakers often just drop those words out of nervousness. Just by the body language the driver didn't seem like he was trying to be hostile as he was nodding.

I don't know how you can watch that video and come out with the impression that the situation could've been diffused by the driver. The city is not a military boot camp. Citizens are not officers/cadets responding to a Drill Instructors. A cop that deals with average citizens on a daily basis shouldn't be set-off because they take an "Okay" as a disrespectful response. They also shouldn't be slamming doors and dropping obscenities.

This is like civilized society 101, but at least once a week the SJW brigade goes fucking insane trying to defend some poor idiot's "right" to fight the police poor idiot's "right" to fight the police

Wow, the irony of complaining about SJWs meanwhile your trying to justify the cops reaction because he was offended by the word "Okay". He must be so ~oppressed~, right? Civilized society 101 to you is accepting verbal abuse from angry officers because their feelings were hurt? By the way, who's fighting the police in this video? Let me know when you find it.

/r/nyc Thread Parent Link - youtube.com