Obama: Legalized pot 'not a panacea' ("Legalization or decriminalization is not a panacea. Do you feel the same way about meth? Do we feel the same way about coke? How about crack? How about heroin?")

If the FDA stops people from selling things to those who wish to consume them, then they are stopping people from consuming it.

Again, the FDA doesn't stop you from consuming anything. If you want to eat buckets of actual horse shit all day long, they're totally cool with that. They're not going to give you a tongue kiss, but they're not stopping you from eating it. They are, however, going to stop you from selling horse shit as food because that is a predatory practice and harms people. Selling and consuming are two very different things.

I never said that scientific knowledge creates violence. That would be extremely stupid. I really don't understand how you still think that's what I'm saying, and I don't get why you think that you have any idea what my level of scientific understanding is.

You bitched about me muddying the waters and now you're literally doing exactly that. I also never said that you said that science creates violence. I said, verbatim: "And as for scientific standards being violently enforced, no they're not." And they aren't. I then went on to say that science doesn't create violence, a separate statement. Notice the ommision of any references to you or your beliefs in that statement? That's because I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about science. Your reading comprehension is worse than a middle schooler.

I really don't understand how you still think that's what I'm saying, and I don't get why you think that you have any idea what my level of scientific understanding is.

I don't, and I know because of how incredibly horrible this debate is going. 90% of what you're saying are accusations and attributions of things that I never said. I'm assuming it's because of your lack of reading comprehension, but I suppose it could be because you're being willfully ignorant.

Science is not dangerous in any way. What is dangerous is idiots like you who have no idea what the fuck you're talking about who spout off theories that you don't understand at all and think that gives you the right to vote on what other people are allowed to do with their lives.

That isn't correct at all. Science can absolutely be dangerous. Scientific tests have killed plenty of people in the past and new discoveries have even killed researchers. Marie Curie would be the most famous example, having died from radiation poisoning after her years of studying radioactive materials. But either way, I'm not sure where you got the idea that science is dangerous. That was literally never said. Not even once.

Again, this is not a shortcoming of the scientific method, I don't know how much clearer I have to be.

You don't need to be clearer, you need to be on topic. You keep going so far off topic with these little rants of yours that it's basically impossible to follow what you're saying without having to reference it. You're putting words in my mouth. A lot of them.

I absolutely understand what does and doesn't constitute science, and I see people like you every day who call their assertions "science" and call anyone who disagrees with them "anti-science".

I'm really doubting that considering the fact that you have attacked science multiple times in this conversation. Here's some quotes!

You said that scientific literacy is important to guide us to make reasonable decisions, but no decision you could possibly make regarding what other people are allowed to put into their own body is going to be reasonable, no matter how horrible the substance in question is.

Here you are implying that scientific literacy will cause people to make decisions for other people. Not true at all. This is also where my comment regarding you believing science to be an oppressor came from, because that is literally exactly what this is implying. You are equating scientific literacy with pushing opinion-based decisions on people when it causes literally the opposite.

Referring to your biases and conclusions as "science" isn't going to win anyone over.

Here you imply that science is just people pushing their biases and conclusions on people.

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