Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice admits U.S. strategy on North Korea nukes build-up a 'failure'.

ya that's... actually what the article says.

“You can call it a failure,” Rice told CNN. “I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.” But she also said other administrations were not able to put a stop to it. [...] “She said each administration has tried a range of measures, from sanctions and pressure, cooperation with China, and ‘other methods that we shouldn’t speak about on television,’ to no avail,” the Examiner reported. [...] “The fact of the matter is, that despite all of those efforts, the North Korean regime has been able to succeed in progressing with its program, both nuclear and missile,” Rice said. “That’s a very unfortunate outcome. But we are where we are.”

Breitbart is shit but this article is actually pretty mild. there's not really any of their commentary or opinion in it. the whole article is pretty much just reporting that Susan Rice said every administration leading up to now shares the blame. they're... saying what you want... and you're still unhappy?

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