[OC] Argument with neighbor over parking (details in comments).

Background: Parking in this neighborhood is rough. Parking in the middle of two driveways where two cars could have fit is a great way to get angry notes on your windshield. Being even 1 inch inside someone's driveway or 1 hour over the time limit is a great way to get a ticket or towed. The family in this house likes to park 3 cars in their driveway, but this is next to impossible for them to do if someone (legally) parks in front of their house, because they have to drive over the curb for the third car. Multiple times in the past they have resorted to painting the curb in front of their house red to prevent people from parking there (clearly visible in the video, lol), and then we neighbors report it to the city who eventually paints it grey again.

Anyway this was my first personal encounter with them. I was getting into my car and heard someone call out, and then the 10-20 seconds before the video starts went like this:

Him: Hey, you can't park here.

Me: What?

Him: You can't park here.

Me: Why not?

Him: We can't park here (gestures to left side of driveway) if you park here.

Me: Sorry dude, that's not my problem.

Him: If you park here again, the owner is going to paint it red.

At that point I started recording. After he walked away (at the end of the video) he just keep repeating "ah go away" and I obliged and went about my day.

Very minor freakout, and if anyone is freaking out it's me, but this is the only time I've recorded something even remotely relevant to this sub so figured I'd share. Also fuck that guy.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link - i.imgur.com