I think Odious won....(Advice needed)

I am so sorry for what you have gone through, truly, to my very core. I am absolutely seething and shaking and silently angry-crying that they would dare to deny the abuse you went through and that your husband could ever say he could "see both sides". That is inexcusable on so many levels. I love my husband and when I tell him about the abuse I have suffered by the hands of my parents he believes me, validates my feelings and will cry with me and hold me. That is what your husband should be doing and when anyone even hinted at not believing you or saying that you were lying he should have torn them apart and left them in the dirt. He should have cut them out of both of your lives. He is a husband first and a son second. He should have you back all the time but especially with something so huge and important. I am so so sorry that life sucks right now. I have been there and continue to struggle with the aftereffects of being abused and comparatively the abuse I went through was much less worse than what you have experienced. I wish so much right now that I could fix things for you, that I could bring you into my home and wrap you up with a warm blanket and a cup of cocoa and watch Disney movies and laugh and cry. If you need to vent or cry or anything please ask. I'm sure many of the wonderful people on here would be more than willing to listen, including myself. I know it is hard and may sometimes seem like it isn't working but continue with therapy and maybe try finding support groups in your area or online. Try to fill your life with people who understand and support and love and uplift you! I know that may be easier said than done but it is so important to have that support. And as horrible and as difficult as it might be to think, it may be time to really think about the future of your relationship with your husband and if you can be happy with him without having children and without the support you deserve from him.