[Off-Topic Discussion] "We all have time to either spend or waste and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is gone forever.” - Bruce Lee

Can't afford to post with my regular acc here. See flair (not that anyone knows me).

How many of you love fucking with women's minds?

I'm a young guy and most girls around me are imbeciles. When I'm bored I use this to my advantage.

Yesterday I had popped a few caffeine pills, which are the equivalent to E for me. My body absorbs that shit like crazy.

So there is this girl, the sister of one of my good friends. Let's call her Jae. We are in the same class, so we've know each other for years. I am not attracted to her AT ALL. She has one of those faces that you just want to rage fuck.

I don't know what it is with me, but I always fantasize facefucking 4-6/10. Their ugliness makes me rage.

So I was hella wired and wanted to have some fun with her. First I started talking about random shit, then I moved the conversation to reminiscing over past memories we've shared. We talked about all the crazy shit that our group has went through. I apologized (for the 1000x time) for something I had done once, it's a thing with us. It was aggressive, but nothing violent or hurting.

As soon as that door was open, it was time to plant my seed and make her think I'm some kind of vampire from Twilight.

I started explaining why I had done this "aggressive gesture". I took all my knowledge I have about steroids and basically made her think that I'm some kind of superhuman.

My grandfather was an olympic champion and both he and my father died young. I told her it's because we are "too manly", and that in my family our bodies work on overdrive and expire 20-30 years faster. I'm not joking. I told her my natural test levels are 3x the norm ("I was tested at 3500 ng/dl when I was 16") and some shit like that.

She was 100% oblivious about how this stuff works and gobbled this shit up.

I then started "proving" this. I truly don't give a fuck about most of my classmates and I show it on the regular. Used this as a way to explain that, because "im so manly" I don't have any emotions (Sry Jooce, but I know you don't give a fuck).

As I said above, I absorb caffeine like crazy. I also get drunk easily and pot affects me very heavily. Told her that it's because of my unnatural testosterone levels and how my body functions.

This conversation went on for two hours. I thought of all kinds of past events and shaped them in a way which strengthens my narrative. By the end she basically thought I was a completely different, mysterious person. Next day she could barely say hello to me.

Part 2 begins now. Over the next days and weeks I will start to show her intensity every time we're around. Stare into her through her eyes into her soul, make innuendos when we're with friends. Be even more dominant in front of her.

Then I'll fuck her and toss her.

/r/steroids Thread Link - img14.deviantart.net