[Off-Topic] The EoD Off-topic Thread

Here's a serious question.

I have a legal scrip for TRT. I need to renew it, but I'm on cycle. I had bloods done before I got on by my doctor. I then had bloods done on my own a couple weeks ago because she wouldn't refill the scrip due to high ALT which was due to diet. ALT is fine now, but she wants a copy of the new bloods for my records. I told her I did it because the $100 copay was too expensive and I found a discount coupon for bloodwork.

Now, here's the thing. My numbers are obviously high, but I edited them to appear normal and made it look like a brand new downloaded PDF. If I give her the doctored bloods that look good can she use those to check and see if they're accurate by contacting the doctor who ordered the draw? Or would she have to get me to sign a HIPAA waiver to do that?

I ask because I like to have this legal scrip for travel purposes, but I don't want to do it if she's able to burn me and fuck my insurance forever.

Anyone who has any legit knowledge I'd appreciate your wisdom.

/r/Steroidsourcetalk Thread