[off topic] I had a sjw go on a legitimately racist homophobic rant against me and it really hurt

You must understand. There is a double standard.

You see they argue that white men (I use that because it is the default for evil) are innately different than (insert your group). This innate difference in morality and reality is so radical that the (special groups) morality and reality is literally incomprehensible to white men because of innate differences.

Now cultural Marxism teaches us we are all identical and interchangeable. That we are blank slates subject to social constructs. There are no men and women, boys and girls, straight people or gay people, black people or white people.

You see. White men are innately evil. But we are all blank slates. You can be a girl and a homo if you want.

You have displayed innate "male" characteristics in spite of claiming that you are bisexual tranny.

See the double standard and the hypocrisy is fine, but you committed the cardinal sin of acknowledging and displaying the obvious and blatant hypocrisy do the SJW mind.

You see the standard for SJWs is morality for thee whatever I want for me. Rules for thee whatever I want for me.

Or in this case white men are innately different and evil, but we SJWs are not innately anything. You have claimed to be innately male inspite of your professions and therefore are not actually any of the things you claim.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread