Old School Content Poll #48: Rewards for Raids & Quality of Life

Second post to make it to the front page today, nice. The first question is obviously the most important and damn, very disappointing to see the same exact question being voted no again. Its ridiculously degradeable so this would only devalue armours that you use for pvp...if you do any consistent pvming, you shouldnt care about this update, ruining your game. These are high end rewards, and if raids are going to be as big as they are, why would you only want a tier 60 dragon short sword, elder maul, and kodai wand? Like damn, at the levels you would most likely be receiving those items, youd have better options than tier 60...ugh I dont understand the argument against powercreep. Its not even bad powercreep, the armours cost soo much to repair, no one would use it all over the place. Its a good update because it fits a high level niche of players willing to spend a ton of money on pvp. Idk man, downvote me like i know you will, but whatever, raids will be like last man standing if you dont have unique rewards. You cant even get into a game of LMS unless its at peak hours or during a special event. Thats what raids are going to be if all they have to offer is a d short sword.

/r/2007scape Thread Link - services.runescape.com