On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I want to make something clear to other black people

Listen man. I'm not black, I'm not going to claim any special knowledge, I haven't been in your shoes and don't really have any way to.

That being said- while the problems you state have certainly been acknowledged by many, they're only part of a much larger problem. To say that people shouldn't complain about the racist shit they have happen to them, purely because some other person acts awfully and happens to be the same race, really mystifies me. If I'm walking around the office and someone tells me I can't because white guy Dave over in HR came over and acted like an asshole, that's not my fucking problem, and I shouldn't have to work to correct his behavior before pointing out that I have just as much right to walk around- or do anything else, to extend the metaphor.

I don't know man. Just my two cents.

/r/offmychest Thread