on the subject of special snowflakes who ask questions about moving to LA:

ok so here is my two cents. Firstly F that guy.

the real reason im writing this is because i did everything you are saying you shouldn't but i have practiced enough times in my life to make it happen. I came without a set job, and never gone west of ohio but as far east as hungary or poland. Im from a small town in upstate ny. I was an exchange student when i 16. most of the funds used for the trip were my own because i started working at 12. My family was never rich so ive learned to be frugal and how to use kindness and good work ethic as a tool. at 25 I moved to NYC with 75 dollars in my pocket on my friends couch. I was at the time working as a gravedigger in my home town after returning from a euro tour broke. It was worth every penny.

I did have one connection to a comic book artist, who is actually from my very small town. He helped me by giving me a place to crash with his family for a week or two while i got settled. This was a key. He told me i'd love it here and prosper. He is older and more of a mentor or brother and lived here for 12 years.

I came here with an outstanding resume in the terms of finishing a job the proper way and no real breaks in work history. I left NYC and went back upstate for an entire year and a half to pay off most of the debts i acquired in NYC. I bought a car. it was a beater and by the time i was getting ready to leave it was too shitty to make the drive. So i bought another car and stayed longer to prepare it. I saved up enough where i felt comfortable on doing this crazy adventure.

I drove for 2 weeks across the country in october. By myself i drove for endless hours across this beautiful country as many people reading this probably also did. I didn't know what to expect honestly.

When i arrived my friend's family took me in like there own. For days straight i stayed locked up at his home doing the necessities before going and enjoying my new home. While i was there i found a job a friend in chicago told me about and Boom had a job 5 days in to pay the bills with. 9 days in i found an apartment in a neighborhood i wanted and was moved in by 12 days after i arrived. That same day i started working.

Its now been a half year and i am doing the best i ever have in my life. I have multiple artistic projects going on and i am making a lot of money and surviving to the point where i can actually save. It feels awesome. The past threads did work and help a bit just for learning LA a bit. I enjoy this community. Its helped me learn a lot in short amount of time and some of my friends that i now have are from this community.

What i am saying is…if you want it bad enough and you prepare properly for it. it can be something. Ive met people from here who alsodid what i did and came with barely any money, sleeping in their car and dumb ideas like that. I prepared, it took a year of stress and not to mention depression. I hate being in my home town. I have nothing left to learn or gain from it. It wasn't easy. I essentially sacrificed my happiness and in the end my 4 year relationship to pursue something that would make me happier, and it did.

but i digress. The people asking these question weren't prepared to actually do it or they wouldn't need to ask these repeated question.

TLDR: I did everything you are saying not to do but, it worked.

/r/LosAngeles Thread