One of America’s most prominent racists just received the Presidential Medal of Freedom

That’s not the full story though.

These seeds were planted during the Reagan era. He created the messaging style that the propaganda machine would ultimately pick up...

And pick up it did. The Fox News era of the early 90’s was the beginning of a 30 year campaign to create that same kind of Nazi style Loyalty -

The last thirty years has been an assault of the “2-minute hate” kind, but for 30 minutes to an hour Each day instead. Every day those viewers were bombarded with messages that their livelihood was being stolen, The American identity was dying, that the Democrats were mocking them, even Christmas wasn’t safe anymore from the invading decay. They felt more and more anxious, and they tuned in, night after night, to hear more about all these threats.

As time went on, this became normalized. The normalization lead more people to accept the narrative...

So to a sizable enough section of us, this has been as bad as things were in 1930’s Germany.... and they finally have their one hope for things to get better.

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