One of the biggest things I’ve seen that are holding MEN back………IS PORNOGRAPHY!! **MUST READ**

Insecurity or jealousy wasn't what upset me about my ex husband's pornography addiction. It goes so much deeper than that, someone who is secretly searching images or videos of things that you have no clue about first off tells me they did not trust me, big issue. Not to mention jealousy. Most importantly it was making it so he couldn't be aroused unless watching it. Not sure how long that took but it was clearly more important to scratch the itch than to get help or much less reach out or trust the person you call your best friend your partner for life to listen and try to understand at the very least. It was the lack of trust for me to begin with then the lack of attention on top of not being open not realizing I knew trying to act as if I was the reason for the lack of activities. I wonder how many women don't find the truth out and go on believing they just aren't or weren't enough.

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