Ontario universities pressed to show value, demand for graduate degrees

The role of training has fallen on the individual, and therefore universities. I'm not sure when society was bamboozled by corporations into this agreement, but we really have to put the onus of training back on the private sector. The most obvious first step is the complete dismantling of the TFW program - even the high skilled ones, but most definitely the low skilled ones. Create a new, very small scale program to bring in people temporarily, with no chance of permanent residency, for only high skilled jobs (maybe a salary minimum would help this, say $60,000).

Unfortunately, the role of research has also changed to the private sector. Elon Musk is doing great things, but I don't like the idea of society expecting the private sector to create things. We wouldn't have half the vaccines or medicines we have now if that had been the case in the past. Universities created most invention (computers, medicine, theories many things are build on, etc), with the private sector innovating on these discoveries to make them better. It was a good set up. But universities don't do as much research anymore, especially research for research's sake, as they are in private/public partnerships where some grants actually give full rights to the company, even though the grant is half funded by the taxpayers (NSERC type grants).

/r/canada Thread Link - theglobeandmail.com