Opinions on israelis/jews?

I am a Palestinian living in the UK since birth, however I do visit occasionally. I perceive Zionists to be similar to ISIS and the Nazi's. But jews, who gives a fuck, you just happened to be born in a jewish family and I just happened to be born in a muslim family, I advocate for co-existence, as that is the only one way forward without eradicating an entire population lol, we are both humans in the end of the day, and war is primitive as fuck. I never ever hated jews, but I always despised Zionists and still do, my mom's home was bulldozed back in the 1980's, after getting a warning via the phone and she was homeless for weeks, they built israeli settlements on top of it, I'm not making this up my dad had his citizenship revoked so he can only visit certain areas of the country, with no basis at all. Fuck all those shitty fake-ass propaganda videos that you've been fed, this mickey mouse hamas bullshit especially haha, the issue is that both sides fear-monger their children with some hilarious crap that we both hate each other, this cycle keeps repeating over and over again, I've been fed a lot of crap too but its all anti-Israel, rarely anti-jew. The israeli government needs to be completely reformed imo, to one that favors the entire country and its people, netenyahu is a fascist and lying twat and mahmoud abass is just a bag of potatoes, the government needs to be anti-fundamentalist and secular in order to truly accommodate all the people. You might not like this but the only people that can really and truly fix the problem lies in the hand of the israelis (like you, and not the zionist government), Palestinians have no way near as much influence. Its sad that we have to act like children and fight over some bloody meaningless land, can't we just grow up.

/r/exmuslim Thread