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That AskPhilosophyFAQ post is pretty bad philosophy, and I'm afraid is going to turn a lot of people off from the discipline if they come across it. Instead of articulating why they believe Harris is a racist and "islamophobe"(?), it links to the following "proof" in the form of a comment and edit that Harris made:

2005: "It is not enough for moderate Muslims to say “not in our name.” They must now police their own communities. They must offer unreserved assistance to western governments in locating the extremists in their midst. They must tolerate, advocate, and even practice ethnic profiling."

2016: "It is not enough for moderate Muslims to say “not in our name.” They must now police their own communities. They must offer unreserved assistance to western governments in locating the extremists in their midst. They must tolerate, advocate, and even practice profiling."

This is not a philosophical argument. I would expect a better argument from my friends when I was in high school, let alone a place that is parading the name philosophy in their title. Four years after 9/11 Harris is stating that Western Muslims need to offer assistance to Western governments in locating the extremists among them. This is functionally identical to "ethnic profiling", because Islam is (presently, and in 2005) a functional ethno-religion, comprising many ethnic identities but also predominately reserved for these ethno-identities (presently, and in 2005). In effect, any self-policing by Muslims will be a form of self-profiling, and because only certain ethnicities have a large number of practicing Muslims, this is functional ethnic profiling. Now, arguing here or there is something that should be done on /r/the_motte, but certainly his comment in 2005 isn't sufficient to show that Sam Harris is a racist or islamophobe today. And the edit he made, instead of being deemed a moment of realization as to how his phrasing was bad (better to call it profiling than ethnic profiling, because it's not really ethnic profiling), it is called "subterfuge" (???) by the sub. Apparently people can't revise their opinions once they are stated -- no, that's being deceitful!

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