Our parental consent case against the Tavistock has succeeded - Good Law Project

level 3Beardywierdy38 minutes agoYup, use of puberty blockers has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of suicidal ideation in trans people.https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/145/2/e20191725It's not like they were being prescribed for no reason, it's because they are literally the best treatment available for trans people at that age.Of course the waiting lists are so long a trans kid getting on the list now would probably be an adult by the time they get an appointment but that's a whole other problem.

Be careful equating rates of suicidal ideation with actual rate of suicide attempts; conversely to what you might initially assume, higher rates of suicidal ideation does not result in a higher rate of suicide attempts

/r/ukpolitics Thread Parent Link - goodlawproject.org