Outbreak HD Update Video (More Evidence The Rumors Are Legit)

You assume too much and are far too ignorant to make a reply. I gave an insightful point of view and got nothing but garbage, thanks for ignoring my points.

I have been a part of many games where the servers have been shut down. In fact I have been a part of several revival teams across several platforms (including PC games) that get servers back online, and have for the better part of 10 years. So I probably have far more experience than you do in this department.

Maybe you should actually play them first before saying anything? In regards to Outbreak, the only people who really disconnect are those who shouldn't even be running an emulator on their pc... that isn't any server related issue. In fact it is amazing the emulator is even capable of playing any ps2 game online. That has nothing to do with our server. And if you had any technical bone in your body you might be able to distinguish the difference. Play on a console, like the game is intended, and you will never disconnect. It runs just the same if not better than anything Capcom ever achieved.

And thankyou for giving incorrect numbers for our server. We routinely do 30+ on many evenings, and recently broke a record for 57 users on at the same time.

I realize our server isn't as accessible as a current gen game. I never said it was. I also never said I didn't want an HD remaster (show me where i said that?). I am saying we have a very viable means of playing this game the way it was back then, and if Capcom never releases their remaster.... and we eventually do go down... you pissed away your chance to play again, all because you were too lazy and stupid (it's ok to admit).

/r/residentevil Thread Parent Link - youtube.com