'Outrageous': Convicted criminals serve as Alaskan police amid public safety crisis, investigation finds

I just think about this one homeless guy I hired 15 years ago. He came asking for janitorial work and didn't have much in the way of ID but was honest to a fault so I did what I had to do to get him hired.

He was the best employee I'd ever had and was always so grateful for that second chance he got during a brief period of stability from his mental illness which had gotten out of control when he lost insurance at a prior job.

Within a few months he had his IDs restored and found suitable housing etc.

Whenever I'm down I think of that guy and wonder what great things he's accomplished in his life since I left.

I don't like writing off people. With the right attitude and a little help, people can do some pretty awesome things.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - press-citizen.com