Partners of sleep-talkers or sleepwalkers, what gems have you to share?

This will probably get buried but it’s worth sharing.

I have two younger sisters. The middle sister, we’ll call her Jane, always had issues with sleepwalking and sleep-talking. Not sure if she still does as an adult, but anyway...

One time when Jane was 12 she ended up sleepwalking into our youngest sister’s room. She then proceeded to pull our youngest sister out of bed and drag her to the front door. Youngest sister was screaming and woke everyone up, except for Jane. When my parents, brother, and I eventually got to them, Jane had one hand on the door and one tightly holding onto youngest sister. We think she was trying to throw youngest sister out of the house.

The whole incident really freaked my parents out. They ended up sending Jane to a psychologist because of it.

/r/AskReddit Thread