Paying a Pornstar Hush Money Would Have Ended Any Other Presidency

Going off of Mr_diggums,

I was talking about the people i know whom constantly bring up Bill Clintons scandals, over and over again, and constantly talk about how the democratic party is rife with sexual assault. I then mentioned the one time i brought up President Trumps assaults, the same High and mighty christian friend of mine who constantly blasts bill clinton for getting a blowjob said "Well those girls shouldn't have winked at him [President Trump]" He basically rape blamed the victims of trumps advances because they winked at him (i'm not even sure if they did).

Lastly, the reason Bill is irrelevent was well said by Mr_Diggums, and Clinton was impeached for his sexual deviancy, yet republicans give trump a pass because it's somehow the girls fault when a republican does it. See Roy Moore, since he's a republican statutory rape is now okay.

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