People are boycotting Starbucks after CEO announces plan to hire thousands of refugees

Jesus christ this. I used to browse /r/blackpeopletwitter like a guilty pleasure or something. One day BLM pops up, people talk, and then they talk about blocking highways.

The majority perception wasn't, "Blocking major infrastructure is a major fuck you to the entire city and does nothing to further your cause because most of the people don't hear your message and only see that XYZ services are affected."

The majority was, "If you don't support someone because they inconvenienced you you weren't going to support them anyway."


Do I need to explain what our role as citizens is and the boundaries that this action completely breaches? Holy fuck. They were talking about it as though everyone that hated stupid BLM stunts were literally alt-right hate mongers. They justified it as getting people's attention and compared it to a group that decided setting bombs was a good way to get attention. They couldn't even get a majority to agree that the bombers got arrested long before other groups accomplished their goals through lobby and did very little to help blacks.

It was like I stumbled into a congression of entitled (or deluded) and historically undereducated simpletons.

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