People don't understand attraction

No it's not having to watch douchebags break her. You're her friend that's not your responsibility to deal with as a friend you're there to listen to her problem maybe give her a bit of advice. Anything else and you're not actually being a friend. There's this girl who I absolutely went head over heels for when we met and I kind of had a niceguys thing going for her while she just wanted to be friends. Later I realized that it wasn't actually love it was just infatuation. She and I used to go on double dates every now and again when she lived in the state, but sadly she's moved away (idk if this is relevant, but she has a far more stable love life than myself, but if I were married to a doctor mine would be more stable). She was diagnosed with PCOS, which makes it extremely hard to get pregnant and after trying for almost three years she finally got pregnant. I was extremely happy for her. That's what a friendship is supposed to be not secretly waiting for her current dude to dump her so you can move in for the kill. Tbh she feels more like the sister that I never had than just a friend.

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