People of Reddit, what does your neighbor do that you hate?

She complains about my dogs. Our old dog (RIP) loved EVERYONE, she was huge, but completely friendly, she LOVED kids. She never ran away, didn't need a leash cuz she would never leave my side (we leashed her for walks, but I didn't leash her to go to the car). This lovely huge dog didn't bark or growl at anyone except my neighbor, who kept leaning over our fence to "make friends". For 14 years my dog hated her and she would continually complain that our dog wouldn't let her reach over the fence to pet her.

Our new dog is not so nice, he's rambunctious and barks and is very territorial. She continues to approach the fence to "make nice", even throwing food into my yard, which I repeatedly told her NOT to do. New dog REALLY hates the neighbor. She called the local humane society on us for having a "viscous dog" and says the dog scares her when it's in the backyard. Our dog is never outside long, unless we are back there playing with him. We don't leave our dog outside for longer than 5 minutes when he's alone. After the second visit from the humane society we had to muzzle our dog when he was outside the house, while we waited for the ground to thaw so we could put up a wood privacy fence between our yards.

/r/AskReddit Thread