People who've dated a psycho: what incident made you aware that you were dating a psycho?

Not me, but my older sister. I just want to say that my sister is pretty awesome, and it kills me that she's had to deal with the two guys i'm about to describe to you. She's a self made business woman, owns her own practice, and these two men have really messed with her, mentally. She'll never show how vulnerable she actually is, and we laugh about these stories now, but I know that underneath her tough exterior is a woman who struggles with the damage that these situations have caused her. Also, this will be long.

In High school(15ish), my sister(25ish) was dating this guy named Billy(25ish). Super cool dude, he used to be a punk rocker, and he moved to Cali from Boston so he had that accent that drove my sister wild. The first time I met him was when we went camping, and he and I bonded pretty quickly over that week long trip. He was such a genuine guy, and they shared a lot of interests which was great. My sister never introduced us (She's 10 years older than me, and helped raised my two other siblings and myself) to anyone she was dating until after a specific amount of time, well after they were serious. She never wanted to bring men into our lives that were temporary (<3). Billy and her moved forward, strong. They finally decided to find a place to move in together. My sister was a full time student and bartender, and Billy was a bartender too (I think). Things took a left real fast. My sister found out that Billy got fired from his job, and the reason? He was a drug abuser. Apparently while in Boston he did a lot of Meth, but to get clean he moved out to Cali. i'm not sure how long he'd been clean out here, but he definitely starting using again around the time they moved in together. He started getting paranoid, and overbearing with my sister. My sister was empathetic to his problems, but knows her worth and understood the dangerous situation she was in. She moved out, and back in with my family. She wrote that one off.... until he started coming around our house. Now, to paint a picture of where we lived, we never had to lock our doors. My mom worked 14 hour days driving buses to pay for private school and the rent for what was essentially a guest-sized house (3 small bedrooms, 1 bath) that housed 5-6 of us. It was worth it to her becaseut eh area we lived in was safe, quiet, and beautiful. We were friendly with all of our neighbors, and the bus stop was right down the road so we could get ourselves to school easily. During the summer we would sleep with the windows open, and the sliding doors to our backyard open in order to stay cool. One night we were all sitting around watching TV, I didn't hear anything, but my older brother thought he heard something. He froze, and then bolted to the front door and opened it. Down the driveway we saw Billy running. My sister called him, he denied it, but she told him if she saw him again she would call the cops. I don't remember the time frame on all of these instances, but after that first one our friend, Duncan, started staying with us. He slept on the couch (we had a big comfy couch, it was great), and kept a bat nearby. One night my little sister and I were laying in bed, my sister was falling asleep, but I was kind of zoning out staring out of the window. The blinds were in the way, but I could still see through them. Something suddenly moved, and my eyes focused. And outside my window, leaning against our fence and staring into my sister's window (room next door) was Billy. I guess I moved or something, because he hopped the fence to get to my window and shouted "YOUR SISTER IS FUCKING OTHER MEN" and then jumped back over and bolted. I ran and told my sister, Duncan woke up and checked around the house, bat in hand. Billy was gone though. Another night I was sleeping in my mom's room. She had a sliding door to the backyard in her room (we had one in the living room as well). We took to closing them at night, but I don't know if we actually locked it that night because in the middle of the night I woke up to Billy standing in my mom's room. My mom had already left for work (She left for work at 3:30am) I called out to him quietly "...Billy??" and he looked back at me and quickly said "yoursistersaidicouldborrowherlaptopfortheweek" I don't know why I didn't get up right away, or why I didn't shout or call out. We had a whole house full of people. I just did nothing. He took my sister's laptop that night, and over the next month harassed her by telling her that he knows she's a porn star, and that she's a slut, whore, whatever other degrading name you could think of. He called her work, her phone, our phone.. it was insane. One day after school, I was the first one home. Dropped my backpack at the entrance and then went to my room for something. When I came back out, Billy was standing in my kitchen, I guess I left the door open, and he had my sister's laptop with him, open on the counter. I asked him what he was doing there, and he started talking really quickly again. He told me that he had PROOF my sister did porn, and that she was a total slut. He was absolutely obsessed, and he scrambled to turn on the laptop and was about to start opening tabs and tabs of just random porn of, I guess, women that he thought were my sister. I was maybe 15 at this time, and was pretty freaked out because I was alone in this house with him. I told him that was not a good idea, I don't want to see them and that he needed to leave before he got into more trouble. He left, and I made sure to relay the whole situation to my family. He eventually gave the laptop back. It was riddled with viruses from all the porn he was obsessing over. My sister dealt a lot more with him outside of these instances, but she doesn't share those moments with us. I know she tries really hard to just push those bad memories back and try to deal with them later or not at all. We found out years later that Billy had overdosed after moving back to Boston with his family.

This was a lot longer than I initially intended. A few years back my sister started dating this guy named Todd. He was nuts, and honestly scarier than Billy. I can post about that if you guys are interested, because it's probably a longer tale than the Billy one.

/r/AskReddit Thread