Phil Spencer says Windows 10 Xbox one update makes the ui about "50% faster" for most tasks.

Hey, that's your opinion. My statements are based on direct hands-on first-hand knowledge of everything I stated on there, with the exception of the opinion that the current builds of Win10 are a trainwreck on tablets. That one, admittedly, is not a fact but is a fairly broadly held opinion by anyone who has used it on one.

Did you think the One or the 360 weren't running Windows? Or that most of the WP source base wasn't derived from Windows? Do you actually think the 10 kernel is needed for anything they're doing now?

Have you written cross platform Windows applications? Not Modern apps, native ARM? Alpha? MIPS? Written any kernel drivers for those platforms? Worked with the native WP software stack? How about the 360 or XB1? Do you know the nitty gritty details how the runtime environment for modern apps was built on the various platforms that supported it (or which platforms those were?) Do you know how that's changed in 10?

If your answer isn't "yes" to all of those, your "opinion" that I'm wrong isn't quite as substantiated as my experience.

The reason they're waiting on 10 is a resourcing one, not a technical one. When component A you need is being changed as part of B, you're not going to use A until B is ready because otherwise you have to do things twice.

So speaking as someone who both has direct experience with this AND an enormous financial stake in Windows 10's long-term success, I'll say very succinctly -- the blind faith that this is going to magically fix problems that the last half dozen waves of intended changes weren't able to fix is, as I said, hubris and a good way to hurt -- not help -- Microsoft's ability to compete in the market.

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