Please explain how you think the soul interacts with the body

If God can create anything out of nothing, so can the soul control by no physical means necessary the body. Just like your awareness is stored somewhere when you sleep, so can it be stored after death and "re-uploaded" into a new heavenly body.

If you really need a tangible allegory, think of a video game, it can come under many forms, but I'm more talking about the open-world games. That's how you can explain life/afterlife/hell etc. We will never be aware of the state of the hardware(memory, harddrive etc) we will only be aware of the effects it has on the observable (which can be either our life or our afterlife). We aren't even supposed to understand the hardware or anything other than what matters, and we were designed, by Our Almighty Lord, to be exactly what is functional and pertinent in life and afterlife.

If my second paragraph doesn't give you a tangible example, it's hard to tell what will.

/r/Christianity Thread