Gentleman passes me a bottle of water in exchange for holding him up for 14s

Lots of people live in a place like this. Lots of them pull in and then back out into traffic. Maybe invest in a $150 rear view install special at your local place or order something off amazon?

You all clearly have no practical experience driving in the real world

You have no shame or consideration for the fact this dumb maneuver increase your odds of getting rear ended, and side swiped. Plus the fact that traffic isn't supposed to yield to dummies who just stop in the road and start backing up.

You regularly block cars in the opposite direction with this maneuver. You could pull in safely and quickly. You could get a dash cam. You could drive 3 more turns so you can back up from the close lane.

But you don't. Because you are an idiot in a car. This is in your future

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