The plight of the bitter nerd: Why so many awkward, shy guys end up hating feminism

I dislike feminism because I feel that in recent years it has become misguided.

I don't think that deputizing feminists by merely supporting women's rights issues is really a great idea. Those people have no frame of reference of what third wave feminism is/was about and probably have very little frame of reference for what feminism means. What happens is that you'll have a group of people who felt like outcasts growing up that are looking towards feminism as a way to belong to a group and have friends. It's really simple to be a feminist too, all you do is write it down on a paper somewhere and post a picture with a reason why you need feminism and boom, feminist.

Then because you deputized a bunch of feminists, you get stupid sentiments like "feminism is equality for everyone". It's equal rights for women. They don't support men's rights issues, they don't support religious rights issues and they don't really support the rights of minorities. It's a women's rights organization they're not going to support those issues, nor should they. Equality is equal right for everyone.

Then they go after stupid fucking issues like cat calling. Seriously? You're going after cat calling? Was it a slow month or something for women's rights issues that you pick you go after cat calling? And the answer is no, there are far more pressing issues that face women in the world but they go after cat calling. Don't go after institutional sexism, that issue is hard, go after cat calling.

But here's my real beef, I have a degree in molecular biology and would always hear about how there were never enough women in science. But it was never from professors or females in my major, it was by people getting English degrees, art degrees or liberal arts degrees. Seldom from gender studies majors or sociology majors, it was always from people who knew just enough to be wrong. But then it dawns on you that these self-proclaimed feminists are like atheists defending evolution.

People have devoted their entire fucking lives to these subjects and issues. These feminists have never read primary literature, they probably don't even know what it is. They read shit from other self-proclaimed feminists on blogs and news articles. They couldn't tell you who coined the term Rape Culture, but they'll tell you that you're promoting it. They also get pissed off at you if you decide to look at any statistic that they might try and throw at you.

But if I decide to have an opinion I'm sexist. I'm a misogynistic pig who believes in the patriarch and is blinded by my privilege. It has nothing to do with your shitty argument and everything to do with my privilege. I'm a biologist because I'm a male, not because I chose that path or because you chose a different path, because I'm a male. If you're upset about a lack of women in the scientific community? Be a scientist. There are organizations that want women in science too and will support you! Go be one. But don't bitch and moan about a lack thereof when you picked a degree in something that wasn't STEM.

TLDR - Rant. Keep scrolling.

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