Political correctness doesn’t kill people: Handwringing over campus activists who “censored” alt-right speakers looks misplaced after the violence in Charlottesville. - Alex Nichols

Eh, I'm generally opposed to reactive no-platforming because it seems to reinforce the delusion that these ideas are 'dangerous' because they are edgy and controversial, rather than because they are malicious and stupid. This shit has platform the moment it get recognized by and associated with the university. Once that happens, the best place seems to be inside, offering a measured and clearly-worded case to everyone about why no one should eat the steaming pile of shit behind the microphone.

Both before Charlottesville and after, people yet to grow a political spine have proven extraordinarily susceptible to reactionary ideas playing on vague the principle of free speech, suspicious of the idea that some ideas might actually be really bad, and resistant to the possibility they might have to do something to prevent bad ideas from continuing to destroy all of our fucking lives.

Proactive no-platforming is on the other hand obviously extremely good, necessary, and effective. The idea that any money going into the university system, either from public funding or extracted in debt slavery from students, could be spent on spraying that public and those students with a firehose of a demented eugenicist's diarrhea is so parodic it would be funny if we didn't really actually live in this fucking geohell.

There is a desperate, blatant need to destroy the idea that the university is, should, or can be, an institutional platform for the coddling of any idiot looking to infect the world with the latest strain of repugnant VD he cooked from the sexual pathology oozing around in the echoing caverns of his skull. I don't want to hear this 'tolerance of intellectual diversity' shit until I can get a degree, a professorship, and tenure by rolling my fat cheeto-dusted face across a keyboard and submitting the result to everyone at the university.

TLDR: Universities are not public toilets, so no-platforming idiots is super fucking correct. Deciding how to implement it should be based on the effects of putting it in practice, and not just its correctness in principle. Lots more references to poop.

/r/ChapoTrapHouse Thread Link - theoutline.com