Polygon: Games aren't "inclusive" because they use controllers that people have to learn to use. Gamers are evil and "exclude" people by praising such games

Many of these people have the ideal where it's equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.

Often those ideal outcomes are never really explained, or only vaguely, but it's generally implied that it must at least match the breakdown of the general population.

"At least" refers to how a group can be over represented as long as they take ground away from the dominant demo, which will often conveniently be white males.

So hypothetically, if we say the population is 50-50 male-female, then something which is 90% female is acceptable and can stay at 90%. But if something is 90% male, then the bare minimum goal for women should be to achieve 50%.

Obviously, there are many factors that can determine why a gender breakdown would fall a certain way, such as general interest in different products or careers, etc.

If 75% of Candy Crush players are female, that's fine. If only 10% of Call of Duty players are female, that's an issue. Except generally that's because women aren't as interested in games like Call of Duty (but of course you can't say this lest you be sexist). They instead focus on changing or attacking Call of Duty or comparable games/genres as to counteract the discrepancy in subjective interest.

If you want 50% of Call of Duty players to be women, but there aren't that many women that like CoD, then make CoD into something in which more women are interested.

After all, if you at all suggest that CoD and Candy Crush can co exist, you will occasionally see racist connotations thrown out, with historically racist phrases like "separate but equal," which distorts that phrase to suggest women interested in CoD can't play even if they wanted.

At that point, you then will hear about how misogyny and harassment is what keeps women out of games like CoD, and now they've taken equality of outcome and warped it into equality of opportunity, that women can't really choose to play the games they want.

If that fails, they'll just throw the whole kitchen sink at it, and claim it's patriarchal oppression and cultural sexism that essentially brainwashed women into not bring interested in certain things.

The goal? Basically to just piss on things that are popular or that they themselves aren't interested in. Like a giant bunch of hipster clichés meant to inflate their own self worth.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link - archive.today