Polygraph Stories - Share your own!

POLYGRAPHS DO NOT WORK! Anyone can beat it just DO NOT CONFESS! I've taken them and they are just interrogations, or fishing expeditions, for the polygrapher to get you to admit something that he or she never would have discovered during any background check. Whether you react or not, it is standard procedure for the polygraphers to interrogate you to see if you start snitching on yourself. I was always falsely accused when I took polys for various reasons. I would laugh at the polygrapher too, which would upset him, but I didn't care. I know guys that had sex with a prostitue the night before taking an FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, (insert any other 3-letters here) poly and still passed by simply not admitting anything.

This guy sums up polygraph hoax well here: https://bannedfromintel.wordpress.com/2020/07/16/how-to-beat-a-polygraph/

/r/SecurityClearance Thread