is it possible to be too intimidating or being undateable?

There are people who think I'm intimidating and I've been told it's because I'm intelligent, articulate, good looking, and I make sustained eye contact during conversation. I'm pretty sure anyone intimidated by me is weak and has an inferiority complex and therefore can't stand a well-built personality. Don't forget we live in a sexist world that prefers passive, submissive, silent women who don't challenge anyone to grow or stand for anything. There are weak little people who get uncomfortable when we speak because it makes them realize they are unstable inside and unrealized as personalities.

I don't date often for this reason. I'm 29 now and I've learned that most guys will try and belittle me and box me in to make themselves appear stronger than they are. A lot of people have tried to tear me down and it hurts because I am a real person afterall, I'm more than just my eye contact. I have feelings too, I have vulnerability, I am not insensitive, but they can't see beyond their own insecurity to realize or empathize with someone they consider a threat. It's their instinct, the same instinct that burned women like us at the stake and developed whole systems of guardianship laws to hold us captive. They don't like to compete, and they see it us as competition. That's why they try so hard to undermine our rightful authority.

These days I've been seeing someone who is very secure in himself. He's bigger than me, stronger than me, better educated, and just as articulate and outspoken as I am. He's older and wise and knows how to respect my strength rather than diminish it. He loves my intimidating gaze, he loves my tone of voice, he doesn't like squeaky little toy-women or mindless slavewomen with no personality. He appreciates what I add to his life, what I bring to the table, who I really am.

Never be with someone who would ask you to tone it down or who would try and put you down to make themselves feel comfortable. They are wrong and pretty pathetic actually. The only reason they were allowed to breed for so long is because women were held in captivity for thousands of years and strong women were persecuted until nearly eradicated. You are the strong woman who was killed because she was a threat to the artificial male-supremacy. Be proud, we're making a very well-deserved comeback.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread