Pretty Good Strategy For Avoiding the Topic

The guy could have been an experince competition shooter, with a better rifle setup, and made each shot hit a person at that trivally simple range. biggest thing might be the wind 30 some stories up, but once you account for it you're literally just moving from one target to the next as they are all clumped up at exits. It's morbid to think, but when I heard that he fired for a full 10 minutes before stopping I thought of some of the competition shooters I know and though they could have done a lot more damage with some of their setups. 59 deaths is horrific, but the fact that hundreds more got hit with rounds, but didn't die shows he was more spraying with little control. Bump fire things just aren't that accurate and easy to keep on target from my experience. My thought was that he probably could have also killed a lot more people if he somehow got in front or behind thousands of people grouping up at an exit or something. What he had is far from the ideal setup for accurately hitting people at 400 yards.

That being said I have no problem if they put restrictions on bump firing stocks. The things are stupid in my opinion, cool the first few times you dump a mag with it, but at some point you just realize you're wasting expensive ammo a lot faster. Most shooters don't get much out of just dumping hundreds of rounds in a couple minutes then calling it a day.

So i doubt you'd get much opposition for more restrictions, so long as it's not some overly broad nuanced bullshit that our politicians always do, and don't create some stupid approval process that bogs down the already understaffed ATF even more, who is looking at 12+ months for NFA approval that law abiding citizens apply for all the time.

I read the guy owned a private plane, I'm thinking he could have loaded that up with explosives and flown into a crowd and done a lot more damage.

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