Pricey jean manufacturers going bankrupt

7 For All Mankind / Diesel are my favorite brands for jeans.

I'm tall with long legs and I like jeans that fit be but aren't skin tight nor remotely baggy so designer jeans fit the bill. People have no problem spending $80 on regular mall jeans so why is $180 a problem if they fit well.

I'm not trying to be an asshole but you go to a mall in America at a regular middle class store and most of the clothes are designed for fat people. The fabric too, its like guys that wear cheap underwear.. why not spend more on 2xist that last 3x longer and feel isnanely better plus make everything look better.. same thing with jeans. Designer jeans are cut better.

I quit defending myself a long time ago, but I wanted to share a reason why some of us don't find it insane to pay designer cost for a good pair of jeans. And next time you go "omg you're such an idiot for paying that much" go look at your Facebook account at those sunglasses and tell me how much they cost. At least in Florida, most people I see are wearing designer sunglasses and unless something dramatic has changed, we dont have mass counterfeit goods here.

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